• 118,Raja Ram Mohan Roy Sarani(Amherst Street), Kolkata – 700009.
  • 033 35211500 / 033-35211499 / 9230985245
  • svsmh11@gmail.com
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  • Patient & Visitor


  • Letter from your doctor advising admission.
  • Photo identity proof-copies of Voter’s id, Pan card, Passport, etc is a must.
  • Your insurance or sponsor details such as pre-authorization number/Membership card, or letter of guarantee from your employer/insurer
  • Passport if you are a Non-Resident.
  • Personal Toiletries.
  • You are requested not to keep any valuables such as mobile phones ,jewellery ,cash etc-if kept, it will be at your own risk.
  • Copies of all relevant medical information (previous medical records, investigation reports like X-rays, etc).


  • Report to the Admission Desk. Our staff will guide you through all the paper works.
  • Fill up the Admission Form. Once that is done you will be escorted to your room. Your treatment is the responsibility of your Consulting Doctor.

    He will advise the Hospital regarding tests or treatment that you require.

  • Any change in patient’s data needs to be done within 24 hours of admission.



  • Obtain a pre-authorization form from your insurer / or our Insurance Help Desk in case of planned admission. Be sure the insurer provides the clarification of the cover allowed under your scheme.
  • Please ask the insurer to advise you fully on any excess /co-payment liability.
  • Please contact the Hospital Insurance Desk within 24 hours of admission.
  • Kindly bring the original documents at the time of admission.


  • If you have been admitted under a package price, kindly deposit the amount during admission or pay the deposit as per the category of the room. The deposit amount is as follows:- Deluxe Room & Cabins - Rs 10000/-; Wards Rs 5000/-
  • For admission to ITU and HDU Rs 10,000 may kindly be deposited at the time of admission. In emergency the Hospital accepts a nominal amount at the time of admission. The balance may be deposited in the next 24 hours. In case of any operation, extra deposit of Rs 10000/- to be paid before OT.
  • Please meet the Billing Department for regular updates on your billing.


  • Your consultant and nursing staff will discuss with you your possible date of discharge. They will also advise you on any ongoing care.
  • We expect that you shall vacate your room by 11 A.M. Kindly request your doctor to give the discharge order the day before your day of discharge.
  • If the discharge order is given on the same day, it will take at least 4 hours time to prepare the same.


  • Smoking is strictly prohibited. Burning of candles, burners or incense is prohibited too.
  • Visitors can only meet a patient if they have a Visitor's Pass. These are issued at the Main Reception.
  • Official visiting hours are General Word Morning – (10:30 AM – 11:30 AM) Evening - (5:00 PM – 7 PM), ITU and HDU t Morning – (8:30 AM – 9:00 AM) Evening - (4:00 PM – 5:00 PM)
  • Children are only allowed on Sundays and must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  • The Nurse-In-Charge of the ward or your Consulting Doctor may restrict admission of visitors.